Thursday 12 April 2012

Vincent Van Gogh: Sunflowers (1888)

This is one of the most famous and popular images of all time, often reprinted and sold as cards and prints. The yellow and cream of the background is reversed in the vase, using line to contain fairly flat blocks of each colour. The cream of the wall is graduated into blue to increase the vibrancy of the sunflower yellow. There is no traditional perspective though the arrangement of flower heads still seems to have some depth. The form of the flowers is suggested by their finely observed treatment and subtle differences in colour and there is no chiaroscuro. 

Vincent painted a series of sunflower studies to decorate the room at ‘the yellow house’ in which Paul Gauguin stayed during his extended visit to Arles. Vincent had hoped that he could establish a sort of artists’ quarter in Arles where like-minded creatives could form a community of mutual support producing adventurous paintings, poems and sculptures.

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