Tuesday 3 April 2012

Franz Marc: Fighting Forms (1914)

Marc was very impressed with Kandinsky’s innovation of abstract art and joined his friend and colleague in developing the first true abstracts… Here biomorphic forms are still very much in evidence, taken from his observation of nature, though their use has become abstract and they serve the metaphorical narrative of the composition, dealing with sociopolitical themes. There are strong links to current trends in graffiti art, both in the strong use of colour and the vigorous gestural approach.

In many respects, this is not a harmonious composition and reflects the turmoil around Marc during the onset of World War I. Marc was drafted, though later his name was on a list of notable artists to be withdrawn from combat... Before the orders were carried out, he was killed by a grenade explosion while riding a horse on patrol in the Battle of Verdun (1916).

The Blue Rider group was dissolved by the onset of World War I, though some of its members went on to be amongst the few important and influential artists of the period between the wars…


An extensive Franz Marc 'fansite' with biography and lots of on-line image galleries

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