Friday 23 March 2012

Joan Miro: The Lark's Wing, Encircled with Golden Blue, Rejoins the Heart of the Poppy Sleeping on a Diamond-Studded Meadow (1967)

Miro is the master of minimalist composition, a place for every mark and every mark in its place. Often the forms found in his paintings are a conflict of chaos and harmony brought into perfect balance by each other. His approach was broadly concept driven, though relied on intuitive aesthetics and visual poetry. Each work was a living entity that changed and evolved until the point it reached its conclusion. The vigour of his gestural marks and the calm colour fields in which they often sit create spaces that absorb the viewer and suggest surreal narratives brimming with wit and sometimes pathos.

Like Picasso, Miro is a Catalan artist who produced groundbreaking work during the formative era of Modernism and also contributed to the development of Surrealism. I recall a visit to the Reina Sophia Gallery in Madrid. In the Picasso rooms people were frowning with folded arms. In the Miro rooms people were smiling and pointing.


There is a good scan of this painting on Olga's website...

The Miro Foundation has a wealth of info.

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